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Nov 10th, 2017

How have you voted on Scottish tax reforms?

By Nona Hurkmans

The results are in. Last week we sent out an email asking our Scottish members which of the four tax reform approaches proposed by the Scottish government they preferred. 14,177 Scots cast their vote, and here’s what you told us:

Option 1:

  • No increases for people earning under £44,290 per year
  • 1p more tax for every pound you earn over £44,291
  • This would raise up to £90 million extra per year for schools, hospitals and other public services

1922 or 13.56% of you voted for option 1.

Option 2:

  • No increases for people earning under £24,000 per year
  • 1p more tax for every pound you earn over £24,001
  • 3p or 5p more tax for every pound you earn over £150,000
  • This would raise between £190 million and £270 million extra per year for schools, hospitals and other public services

1375 or 9.7% of you voted for option 2.

Option 3:

  • No increases for people earning under £24,000 per year
  • 1p more tax for every pound you earn over £24,001
  • 2p more tax for every pound you earn over £44,291
  • 5p more tax for every pound you earn over £150,000
  • This would raise up to £290 million extra per year for schools, hospitals and other public services

3833 or 27.04% of you voted for option 3.

Option 4:

  • A 1p tax cut for people earning under £15,000 per year
  • No increases for people earning under £24,000
  • 1p more tax for every pound you earn over £24,001
  • 2p more tax for every pound you earn over £44,291
  • 5p more tax for every pound you earn over £150,000
  • This would raise up to £220 million extra per year for schools, hospitals and other public services

5845 or 41.23% of you voted for option 4.

And 1202 or 8.48% of you voted for none of the above.

We will use this data to inform the campaign we’ll run on this. Watch this space.

Thanks to all who participated!

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