Nov 13th, 2017
Are you on board?
By Ruby Earle
Last week 38 Degrees members voted on the principles they believe should shape Scottish tax reform. These principles came after 14,000 of us voted on which of the Scottish Government’s tax policy options we most supported. Here’s what 38 Degrees members said.
We asked our members if they supported these principles for a 38 Degrees campaign on tax:
- BE AMBITIOUS – raise at least £200 million more to invest in Scotland’s future
- BE FAIR – make sure the richest contribute the most, and reduce taxes for the poorest
90% of members who took the campaign said yes, they did.
90% thought the government should aim to raise more than £200 million extra for Scotland’s public services.
91% felt that the the richest should contribute the most by focusing increases on tax bands for higher earners.
And 90% of 38 Degree members thought the Scottish Government should cut taxes for very low earners.
38 Degrees members were then asked how they felt personally about Option 4, proposed by the Scottish Government, as it was the option that got the most votes when 38 Degrees members voted last week.
Option 4 would mean:
A 1p tax cut for people earning under £15,000 per year
No increases for people earning under £24,000
1p more tax for every pound you earn over £24,001
2p more tax for every pound you earn over £44,291
5p more tax for every pound you earn over £150,000
This would raise up to £220 million extra per year for schools, hospitals and other public services
84% of members, felt ‘happy’ with option four (whether they originally voted for it or not).
Members were asked if they would be happy to pay more tax under the new system, and 82% said they would.
Here’s what just a few 38 Degrees members say an extra £200 million in tax would mean to them:
“A better place for my children to live and work in” – Anonymous, Glasgow
“A better life for the average person in Scotland.” Stephanie, Falkirk
“A more equal and fair society to live in.” – Hazel, Annan
“Materials to teach with.” – Stephen, a teacher from Edinburgh
“I would like to see more going into the health and care services which we all need in some degree at various points in our life.” – Linda, Perth”
Finally, members voted on a range of tactics to help win the campaign. Building a huge petition to all MSPs, telling them to push for a bold new system, was most popular amongst those who took the survey. 38 Degree-ers also supported using local examples of services being cut to show MSPs, and the media, what more money could do, going along to public meetings with politicians, and getting opinion polling to show the public want a bold new tax plan.
What this shows is that 38 Degree-ers are united in a bold vision for Scottish tax reform. So over the next few weeks we’ll be working hard together to make that bold vision a reality.
Thanks to everyone who took part!