Dec 7th, 2017
Trump’s Visit
By Becca McCarthy
It’s official: Trump’s hateful travel ban has been given the green light – for now. [1] It’ll tear apart millions of families and destroy thousands of people’s careers. And our Prime Minister looks like she’s endorsing this hatred and racism by letting Trump visit the UK in February. [2]
Just a few months ago, Theresa May wasn’t under enough pressure to cancel the visit completely. But all that has changed. New public polling shows that the British public’s support for Trump’s visit to the UK has plummeted, most MPs don’t want it to happen and even government ministers have broken rank to raise serious concerns. [3]
Now we just need one final wave of opposition from the public to get Theresa May to cancel his visit for good. It starts with an emergency petition.
Can you sign the petition to cancel Trump’s visit? It only takes 30 seconds:
Since taking office, Trump has used the world stage to undermine and threaten values that we in the UK hold dear. He’s backed torture, refused shelter to refugees from war torn countries, and denied climate change exists. [4] And just a few days ago he showed support for a far-right extremist hate group, Britain First. [5]
Now his travel ban is going ahead, he’s banning people from certain countries simply because of their religion. Our Prime Minister now has to decide if she’ll stand up for British values, or throw them out the window to woo Trump.
Together, we can make sure she does the right thing and show the world what Britain stands for. We oppose racism and hatred, we’re against torture, we believe that women deserve equal rights, and we support brilliant scientists leading the fight against climate change.
If the emergency petition gets thousands of signatures today, we’ll deliver it later this afternoon. Then we’ll call journalists to make sure it stays in the news and keeps the pressure on Theresa May. And we’ll ask our MPs to speak out too. It could be the final wave of opposition that Theresa May needs to stand up to Trump.
If enough of us act now, we stand a real chance of stopping his visit altogether.
Public pressure has worked before. 38 Degrees members were part of the huge swell of opposition to Trump being awarded a ‘state visit’ earlier this year. Together, our pressure worked and they downgraded his visit to a ‘working tour’. [6] But that’s not enough – it still means the UK rolling out the red carpet to Trump and his hate filled racism.
[1] BBC News: Trump travel ban: Supreme Court lets restrictions take full effect:
[2] The Times: Flying visit to UK by Donald Trump planned for February:
[3] The Times: Tory minister Sam Gyimah breaks ranks to oppose Trump state visit:
[4] BBC News: Donald Trump says he believes waterboarding works:
The Guardian: Leading scientists urge May to pressure Trump over climate change:
[5] Independent: Theresa May under growing pressure to cancel Trump’s state visit after he promotes Britain First
[6] The Independent: Donald Trump has state visit to UK downgraded ‘and will not be guest of the Queen’:
Petition started by 38 Degrees members Sarah to ‘Stop Trump’s state visit to the UK’: