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Dec 7th, 2017

Whistleblower: deportation?

By Becca McCarthy

As a finance industry whistleblower, Kweku Adoboli has shined a light on reckless risk-taking and corruption in banking. [1] But in just 48 hours he’s facing deportation from the country he moved to as a child and is proud to call home. [2]

It’s simple, if we want to take on reckless banking practices we need to protect whistleblowers like Kweku. Scott, a 38 Degrees member, set up a petition to fight Kweku’s deportation after they became friends last summer. [3] And it’s already making headlines in national papers. [4]

Kweku has a hearing on Thursday, where they’ll decide if he can make an appeal to stay in the UK. A huge petition would show the Home Office that it’s in the national interest to keep Kweku. Kweku will hand in every signature to the appeal, so every single name counts.

We’ve got 48 hours to make our voice heard. Will you stand up for Kweku?


Kweku was caught up in one of the biggest trading losses in British financial history and became a scapegoat for his bank’s dodgy deals. He went to prison, but had most of the charges against him dropped and was released more than three years early. [5] But since his release he’s worked tirelessly to clean up the industry he was once part of. [6]

Scott, who started the petition, wants 38 Degrees members to understand how “Kweku is uniquely placed to make an invaluable contribution to reforming our financial industry. To deport a rehabilitated man, and tear him from his home, flies in the face of justice and decency.”

This isn’t the first time 38 Degrees members have stood up against unfair deportations. [7] 38 Degrees-ers have a great track record of moving fast to win campaigns that keep people in the country they love. We can do it again and make sure Kweku stays in the place he calls home.


[1] Guardian: Rogue UBS trader Kweku Adoboli says banks still at risk of huge frauds:
[2] The National: Why I’m standing up for a banker found guilty of a £1.4 billion fraud:
[3] 38 Degrees Campaigns By You: Stop the deportation of whistleblower Kweku Adoboli:
[4] The National: Why I’m standing up for a banker found guilty of a £1.4 billion fraud:
[5] Guardian: Rogue trader behind Britain’s biggest fraud released early from prison:
[6] Kweku Adoboli volunteers for financial compliance charities, helping to clean up the industry and The Financial Times have recently offered him a job to raise awareness of banking’s dirty secrets.
Financial Times: Rogue trader Kweku Adoboli fights deportation to Ghana:
38 Degrees Campaigns By You: Stop the deportation of whistleblower Kweku Adoboli:
[7] 38 Degrees Petition: Theresa May: Don’t force me to give birth without my husband:

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