Jan 16th, 2018
Snooper’s Charter
By Becca McCarthy
The government has made a law that forces companies to spy on us. It means information is stored about our telephone calls and text messages – whether we like it or not. [1] But courts have ruled that the law – known as the ‘Snoopers’ Charter’ – is actually illegal. [2]
The government is trying to avoid changing it to comply with the court’s ruling. [3] To delay things, they’ve launched a public consultation to get the public’s opinion on what to do. [4]
The consultation closes in just 48 hours time. This gives us the chance to tell the government to stop forcing companies to spy on us. If thousands of us sign the petition now – telling them to listen to the court and change the Snoopers’ Charter – the public outcry could force them to listen.
We’ve not got long. Will you sign the petition now? It will be handed straight to the consultation before it closes in just 48 hours time:
The law was designed to help fight crime and terrorism. [5] Gathering and storing data about serious criminal activity means that the police can do their jobs better. But right now the Snooper’s Charter let’s all sorts of people access all kinds of information about the calls, messages, and texts we make, whether there is any good reason to or not. [6]
The courts want the government to strengthen the rules around when our private information can be seen. [7] They also want changes put in so we have a right to know when someone’s accessed our personal data. [8] It’d be a step towards making sure our privacy is protected and the government and private companies have less power to spy on us.
P.S: It’s not often that the government consults the public on issues that have been decided by a court ruling. [9] But it looks like they are trying to water down the proposed amendments. So, Rebecca will you sign the petition to make sure they change the law and protect our privacy now? https://38d.gs/sign-the-snoopers-charter-petition
[1] The Telegraph: What is the Investigatory Powers Bill and what does it mean for my privacy?:
Wired: What is the IP Act and how will it affect you?:
[2] The European Court of Justice announced before Christmas that the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 – otherwise known as the ‘Snoopers Charter’ – breaks EU law. This could remain be the case after Brexit too. You can read more here:
BBC: ‘Snoopers’ charter’ changes put forward:
The Financial Times: UK Snoopers’ Charter compatible with EU law – ECJ:
The Telegraph: Brexit deal: Britain must accept European Court of Justice rulings until 2021, EU says:
[3] The Register: Investigatory Powers Act: You’re not being paranoid. UK.gov really is watching you:
[4] Gov.uk: Open consultation: Investigatory Powers Act 2016:
[5] The Independent: The snooper’s charter will help fight crime, but the risk to privacy is too high:
[6] The Guardian: UK police to lose phone and web data search authorisation powers:
[7] See page 18-19 here:
Gov.uk: Consultation on the Government’s proposed response to the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on 21 December 2016 regarding the retention of communications data:
[8] See page 20 here:
Gov.uk: Consultation on the Government’s proposed response to the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on 21 December 2016 regarding the retention of communications data:
[9] See note [4]