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Sep 25th, 2018

Grenfell Survivors

By Becca McCarthy

This is posted on behalf of Grenfell United


We are the bereaved families and survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire. On the 14 June 2017 we lost 72 of our loved ones. [1] A tragedy like this must never happen again. But one year on, the government still hasn’t banned the dangerous combustible building materials that allowed the fire to spread so quickly, and so fatally, though our homes. [2]

It should be obvious to anyone who saw the pictures from Grenfell Tower that these dangerous materials should be banned. The housing minister is about to make a decision on whether to ban them, it could be as soon as this week – but building industry lobbyists are fighting hard against the ban. [3]

Together we can make sure people’s safety is put before profit. A huge public outcry will drown out building industry lobbyists, and make sure the government does all it can to prevent another tragedy like Grenfell. But we don’t have long to make our voices heard – the government could announce a decision any day.

Will you stand with us and sign the petition to make sure we never see another tragedy like Grenfell? It only takes 30 seconds.



We will never get our loved ones back but we are determined to make sure that something like this never happens again. Dangerous cladding costs lives. [4] Yet it’s over a year since the fire and these materials are still in use.

The government are still weighing the evidence on whether to go ahead with a ban. [5] The final decision is being made right now. Building industry lobbyists are pushing hard, desperate to stop a full ban, so we need to turn up the pressure to match.

There are millions of 38 Degrees members across the country, if we speak out together we can push the government to ban combustible building materials for good and make sure people are safe in their homes.

Thanks for your support,

Grenfell United with 38 Degrees

[1] Grenfell United is formed of survivors and bereaved families of the Grenfell Tower fire. You can read more about us here:
[2] Evening Standard: Grenfell Tower cladding helped fire spread faster than ‘match in petrol,’ inquiry hears:
Sky News: Cladding ban proposals do not go far enough, MPs warn:
The Guardian: Grenfell Tower-style cladding identified in 470 high-rise blocks:
The Independent: ‘We’ll consult’: Government won’t commit to banning flammable cladding after fury over Grenfell review:
[3] Gov.UK: James Brokenshire publishes consultation on banning combustible cladding:
Gov.UK: Banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings:
Sky News: Warning against combustible insulation ban:
Inside Housing: Industry lobbyists supported change to permit combustible insulation, documents reveal:
[4] The Guardian: Grenfell was a foreseeable, entirely preventable, tragedy. Here’s the proof:
The Sun: What is cladding, why was it used on Grenfell Tower and how many buildings failed tests following the fire?:
[5] See notes for [3]


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