Jan 25th, 2019
Good Friday Agreement – update
By David Innes
This was a quick turnaround. On Monday, thousands of people signed a petition telling Theresa May not to use the Good Friday Agreement as a Brexit bargaining chip. [1] And later that same day she announced she “had no intention of revisiting the agreement”. [2]
This is very welcome news. So thank you. Part of our role as 38 degrees members – is to make sure our politicians know their decisions have consequences. And that there are millions of people who are ready – at the drop of a hat – to jump into action to protect the things we care most about.
And with Brexit still being negotiated, we need to stay vigilant. So together, with members of our sister organisation – Uplift – in Ireland, we will be keeping an eye on our politicians. [3] To make sure the fragile peace in Ireland is never put on the negotiating table.
If you’d like to read more about what 38 Degrees is doing on Brexit, see here: https://home.38degrees.org.uk/category/brexit/
[1] 38 Degrees: Keep the Good Friday Agreement off the negotiating table:
[2] The Financial Times: Downing St denies reports May is considering amending Good Friday Agreement (paywall):
Belfast Telegraph: Downing Street rejects claim PM wants to change Good Friday Agreement:
[3] You can take a look at the work Uplift are doing in Ireland here: