Feb 13th, 2019
Essex Libraries
By 38 Degrees team
Up to 44 libraries across Essex are facing closure – and dozens more are set to have their hours reduced if Essex County Council plans go ahead. [1] Libraries are essential to our communities and without them people will have to travel further to borrow books, or even access the internet when they don’t have it at home. [2]
The good news: Essex County Council have yet to make a final decision. They want to know what the public think of the plans. [3] But we don’t have long. We only have until next week to show them just how much these libraries mean to local people and how much they would be missed.
A huge petition signed by thousands of people across Essex could force Essex County Council to scrap the plans. Almost 10,000 of us have already signed the petition.
Libraries are more than just buildings that hold books. You may not have used a library in a while, but for many people they are the only place they can use the internet, print CVs and help their children to learn to read. Shutting them down will force people to travel long journeys just to use the services they need, for many people it’ll be just too far.
38 Degrees members have a history of saving libraries across the country. We saved 11 libraries in Cheshire from closing thanks to a huge campaign. [4] And just last year we managed to get the council to rethink planned cuts to opening hours for Port Seton Library near Edinburgh. [5] There is no reason why we can’t do the same again in Essex.
[1] Essex Live: Essex libraries: These are all the libraries that are earmarked to close down:
The Guardian: A Third of Essex libraries could close down under council plans:
[2] See note 1
[3] Essex County Council:
[4] 38 Degrees: Save Warrington’s Libraries:
[5] 38 Degrees: Port Seton library opening hours: