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Jul 6th, 2015

Child Tax Credit: 38 Degrees Members Visit their MP’s

By Barnaby Lewer

People power turned up at the door of Conservative MP’s this weekend as 38 Degrees members took the child tax credit petition to their local representatives. 38 Degrees members demanded that their MP’s stand up to George Osborne and his plans to cut this essential support for working families.

They were equipped with the names of over 275,000 other 38 Degrees members as the petition to save the child tax credit continues to swell.

They met with MP’s from Cornwall to Croydon and were also able to tell powerful personal stories. Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, came face to face with local 38 Degrees members who haven’t had a pay rise in years and rely on child tax credits to feed their children.

38 Degrees members represent a movement of people who believe in fairness and who are prepared to knock on the door of the politicians, influencers and institutions who make the decisions that affect us all. As 38 Degrees member Chris from Enfield, Southgate recalls, “we made it clear that it is essential we do not lose our humanity and punish the most vulnerable in society.”

Have a look at some of the photos from the day below:

David Burrowes 2 Mike Freer (2)

Derek Thomas 1 Chris Skidmore 1 Chris Skidmore 4 Charlotte Leslie 2 Charlotte Leslie 3 Charlotte Leslie 4  Charlotte Leslie 7Jeremy Hunt 1

Let’s keep up the pressure to save the child tax credit.

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