Jul 13th, 2015
Fox hunting vote in 48 hours
By Rebecca Falcon
48 hours to keep the ban on fox hunting: click here to tell your MP to vote the right way
In 48 hours, MPs could bring back fox hunting – through the back door. We have until Wednesday to convince MPs to vote down changes to the law that bans fox hunting.
The government wants to weaken the ban to allow an unlimited number of dogs to chase foxes for ‘pest control’ – it would make prosecuting cruel hunts almost impossible.
MPs are being given a free vote – meaning they don’t have to listen to party lines. They’re already under a lot of pressure. 80% of the public are against hunting, and even ministers in the government have spoken out against the plan.
So 38 Degrees members are emailing our MPs now we can show them how risky backing hunting is – and tip them into doing the right thing. If you’d like to email your MP to urge them to vote against these barbaric changes to the Hunting Act, you can do so by clicking here.
Fox hunting with dogs is just plain cruel. Foxes can be chased for hours before finally being caught by dogs and shot. And even if they manage to escape down a hole, terriers are often sent down after them to haul them out. This sport has no place in a modern Britain.
So with just 48 hours until the vote, 38 Degrees members are taking action to show our MPs that their voters are wholeheartedly against fox hunting. It’s rare that MPs aren’t told which way to vote by their party, so our pressure now could make a big impact on how our MPs vote.