Jul 15th, 2015
Fox hunting update
By Rebecca Falcon
Yesterday, David Cameron was forced to back down on his plans to bring back fox hunting.
Over 100,000 38 Degrees members signed the petition against weakening the ban on fox hunting. We sent thousands of emails to MPs in every party asking them to protect the ban. And yesterday, hundreds of MPs – including the Scottish National Party – said they’d listen to the public and vote against the government’s cruel plans.
The government’s response? They backed down and cancelled the vote. The BBC is calling it the government’s “turn your back and run away” moment.
Together, 38 Degrees members helped turn the government’s plans into a shambles. But Cameron isn’t happy – he’s said he’ll push for another vote later this year to get what he wants.
Thank you. Because of you, and thousands of other 38 Degrees members who chip in each month, we can be prepared to fight against fox hunting when Cameron tries again. The money you donate pays for all the bits and pieces that add up to a winning campaign: placards, train fares, and the technology that powers our web pages.
Yesterday was no small victory. Conservative MPs had a ‘free vote’ on fox hunting. That means they didn’t have to listen to the government’s pressure when deciding how to vote. It’s clear that the outcry from animal welfare campaigners and 38 Degrees members was too loud to ignore.
Together, 38 Degrees members helped force the government’s most embarrassing defeat so far. Angus Robertson, the SNP Westminster leader, describes the government’s defeat as a “victory for campaigners and common sense”.
Here’s what Tom Quinn, the Director of Campaigns at the League Against Cruel Sports, said about yesterday’s victory: “Thank you so much to all the 38 Degrees members who signed the petition to keep the ban, emailed their MPs, and helped add to the pressure to keep foxes, deer and hare safe from harm. I’m not sure we would have had this result without your support.”
Fox hunting with dogs is just plain cruel. Foxes can be chased for hours before finally being caught by dogs and shot. And even if they manage to escape down a hole, terriers are often sent down after them to haul them out. This sport has no place in a modern Britain – so let’s celebrate all we did to scupper the government’s plans to relax the ban.