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Jul 22nd, 2015

Beyond beelief – Government gags their own pesticide experts over bee-killing pesticides

By Nat Whalley

It’s a total mess. The government’s gagged their own experts – because they’ve said no to the pesticide companies that want bee-killing toxins back on UK fields this autumn. [1] Now the final decision’s being made behind closed doors – with Environment Minister Liz Truss at the helm. [2]

Big-money pesticide companies will be throwing everything they’ve got into swinging the decision their way. So the race is on. They may have cash – but we have people power (over 440,000 of us!), and together we can persuade Liz Truss to do the right thing.

The petition to keep the ban on bee-killing pesticides has an incredible 443,000 signatures. And thousands of 38 Degrees members have emailed MPs and the ministers persuading them to stand up for our bees. [3] Our pressure’s working. But we’re not over the line yet.

It’s time for one last push. Please can you tweet or write on Liz Truss’ Facebook page – and ask her to stop the cover up and say no to bee-killing pesticides?



Here’s why 38 Degrees member Pauline is campaigning to protect the bees: “A world without bees is a world without humans. Bees are far too important to be killed by neonicotinoids in the interests of business and short-sightedness. We must think both short term and long term.”


[1] The Guardian: UK government gags advisers in bees and pesticides row:
Farmers Guardian: NFU Neonicotinoid Emergency Use Application Rejected:
[2] Farmers Weekly: NFU makes a second emergency request:
[3] 38 Degrees Blog: Breaking news – Bees:
38 Degrees Blog: 435,000 say save bees:

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