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Roderick Campbell MSP, Jean Kemp, Carol McGregor and Hanzala Malik MSP

Feb 5th, 2016

You can make your campaign happen too

By 38 Degrees team

Roderick Campbell MSP, Jean Kemp, Carol McGregor and Hanzala Malik MSPBy Jean Kemp

It’s hard to believe that just a few hours ago my friends and me were outside the Holyrood Parliament, handing in a petition signed by thousands, against the trade deal called CETA!

We spoke face-to-face about our concerns with the parliamentarians who had come out to accept the petition.

We chatted to members of 38 Degrees who had come to support us, about what we could do next.

We had the feeling we had made a difference today, by getting our message out successfully.

How did we manage this? We’re a small group, we don’t know much about technology, and we’re not exactly young! But we do know about the 38 Degrees staff team, and they helped us set up our petition, giving help and support right from the very beginning.

Do you have a petition idea hidden away in a corner of your mind. Well, don’t let it stay there! The 38 Degrees staff team will help you to bring it to the light of day.

Most certainly you can do it too.

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