May 18th, 2016
Protect bees in Scotland
By Amy Lockwood
British bees can breathe a tiny sigh of relief. The Westminster government’s decided to keep its ban on bee-killing pesticides south of the Border. Borders don’t mean anything to bees so this is great news for the campaign to protect them in Scotland too.
Here’s how we did it together.
– 250,000 of us signed the petition to keep bee-killing pesticides off our fields. We delivered every name to government ministers last week, just before the decision was made.
– Thousands of us emailed our MPs to make sure they had copies of our hard-hitting report that proved last year’s decision to lift the ban on pesticides was wrong. And we delivered it directly into the hands of the government’s expert advisors.
– We caused a buzz on social media when tens of thousands of us tweeted the UK government ministers making the decision on bee-killing pesticides.
-Then amazingly, almost a hundred MPs came to listen to a panel of experts at our event in Parliament last week.
This shows the enormous power we have when we come together. Here in Scotland we have a great chance to go even further. Our government’s already temporarily banned the worst bee-killing pesticides. We could push the government to ban them from Scotland’s fields forever.
Scientists have found that these pesticides, known as neonicotinoids, have “severe negative effects” on bees (and other animals). When scientists make a statement as stark as that, you know we have a big problem.
Bees matter. And not just because they are a much-loved part of our countryside. They pollinate tons of fruit and vegetables. Our countryside – and our dinner plates – would be much poorer without them.
Imagine the impact if thousands more of us sign up. Together we can show the newly-elected Scottish Government that we want real action – right now.
Please click here to sign the petition to protect Scotland’s bees.