Jan 28th, 2017
Email Your MP to Protect Our Parks
By Nicole G
Our parks are at risk. But in 48 hours we have a make or break moment to protect them from being sold off or lost altogether.
A group of MPs are making a decision on Monday about whether to make protecting parks a legal requirement. It could be the decision that saves our parks for future generations. And your MP is one of the MPs in that meeting.
For the next 48 hours you have some serious power. You can shape what your MP does on Monday in that room. Will you tell them to protect parks?
They’ve heard from a lot of experts, and politicians with their own ideas. And that’s what they’re used to – MPs sitting on special committees holding ‘parliamentary investigations’ don’t normally hear from local people. But if your MP comes in on Monday to find thousands of emails from you and other local constituents, we can make sure it’s our voices they’ll be thinking about when they walk into that meeting.