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Feb 6th, 2017

Email Your MP About Brexit

By Nicole G

Last week, MPs voted to start Brexit by triggering ‘Article 50’. But the exact details of how the negotiations work are still up for debate. Over the next few days MPs are voting on how Parliament gets a say on the Brexit deal – and it’s going to be close.

Whether we voted Leave or Remain, 38 Degrees members are pushing to get a Brexit that works for everyone. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure any deal gets properly looked at in Parliament – because then we can push our MPs to represent the views of us, their voters.

Please can you email your MP now and ask them to make sure any Brexit deal is looked at properly in Parliament? It only takes a few minutes:


When a deal for Brexit has been drawn up, MPs from other countries will get to vote on it – from the European Parliament down to regions of Belgium. With so much at stake for Britain, we need to make sure the UK Parliament gets just as much of a say.

Just like the rest of the country, around half of 38 Degrees members voted Leave and the other half Remain. But we’ve already found lots of common ground, on big Brexit issues like immigration, the NHS and the economy. Together, we’re coming up with a vision for leaving the EU that works for all of us.

Now we need to let MPs know that we expect them to represent our views

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