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Nov 13th, 2017

Paradise Papers: Debate tomorrow

By Becca McCarthy

Urgent: on Tuesday lunchtime, MPs will debate tax dodging in parliament. This is a golden opportunity for us to pile the pressure on the government to stop tax cheats for good.

The debate’s only just been confirmed – and it’s in just 20 hours time. [1] The more MPs who go along and speak out, the more pressure the government will be under. If we’re going to get MPs to go and speak up, we’ll need to tweet them right now.

So, if you think that global corporations and the mega-rich should pay their fair share of tax, please send a quick tweet to your MP right now:


Last week’s Paradise Papers leak showed that wealthy corporations and the mega-rich are still getting away with hiding millions of pounds overseas to avoid paying tax. [2] That’s money that could be going to our hospitals and schools. Instead, it’s sitting in tax havens.

38 Degrees has teamed up with Tax Justice UK, a group that works for a fairer tax system, to start a petition calling on the government to clamp down on tax dodging. 150,000 of us added our names. [3] Now, our MPs need to stand up too.

The government will be working out how to respond to the Paradise Papers scandal right now. If this emergency debate is packed with MPs all calling for the rules to be tightened up, it’d get the government’s attention quick. That could mean tough action on tax dodging, and millions more for our NHS and schools.


[1] The Guardian: The Paradise Papers:
[2] House of Commons announcement of the emergency debate:
[3] 38 Degrees petition: Clamp down on tax avoidance in the UK:

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