Nov 16th, 2017
Brexit: Email your MP
By Becca McCarthy
This week, MPs could vote on Theresa May’s plan to rewrite laws behind closed doors after Brexit. [1] Instead of voting it through, MPs have a chance to vote for changes to the plan. It’ll make sure laws after Brexit are debated and voted on properly. [2]
This is coming down to the wire. [3] MPs are going to be deciding how to vote right now. If they receive thousands of emails from us, their constituents, asking them to vote for the changes, they’ll know they can’t sit on the sidelines. It could convince them to vote the right way.
Will you email your MP right now, and demand they vote for changes that will stop Theresa May’s plan to bypass Parliament? It’ll take less than two minutes, and there’s some suggested text on what to say:
The laws which will need changing after Brexit affect us all: they cover everything from how much paid holiday we get, to our food safety standards. [4] If Theresa May’s plan goes ahead unchanged, it could mean waking up one morning to the news that your holiday pay has been cut, without a proper debate in Parliament.
Already, almost 380,000 of us have signed the petition to demand that we don’t swap murky backroom deals in Brussels for more of the same in Westminster. [5] Thousands of us have emailed our MPs, and now more and more of them are starting to speak out. It proves that when we add up all our individual actions, we’re a force to be reckoned with.
This vote is going to rest on a knife edge. One MP’s vote could be the difference between winning or losing. It means now more than ever, every single email to MPs counts.
So, will you email your MP right now and demand they vote for the changes that would mean laws after Brexit aren’t written behind closed doors?