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Dec 18th, 2017

Holiday Pay

By 38 Degrees team

Some government ministers want to use Brexit to scrap the law that gives you paid holiday and regular breaks at work. [1]

Right now, top ministers are in a meeting with Theresa May, trying to convince her to rip up the holiday law. [2] But nothing’s been decided yet. A huge wave of opposition from us all will prove we won’t let our holiday and working hours be taken away.

On our own, it’d be tough to persuade government ministers to backtrack. But when you’re a part of 38 Degrees, there are millions of others behind you. It starts with a huge petition signed by thousands of us, then delivered directly to Theresa May.

If you think holiday pay is too important to become a Brexit casualty, sign the petition now. It only takes 30 seconds:



The law, called the Working Time Regulations, guarantees our rights to paid holiday, breaks at work, and at least one day off a week. Trade unions are warning that if it’s scrapped, 7 million of us could lose out on paid holiday. They say that even more people could be forced to work more than 48 hours a week and lose out on lunch breaks. [3]

There’s already flexibility to make sure people who want to work long hours can do so. Some junior doctors agree to opt-out of the law so they can learn more quickly. [4] But the law acts as a vital safety net for people who have bad bosses or work on precarious contracts.

Whichever way we voted on Brexit, millions of 38 Degrees members want a deal that puts ordinary people ahead of billion-pound businesses. [5] During this year’s election the Prime Minister agreed. Theresa May promised that our protections at work wouldn’t be watered down by Brexit. [6]

A huge petition is the first step to making sure she keeps her promise. Then we’ll persuade our MPs and business bosses to join us too, to prove that everyone thinks that scrapping this law is a terrible idea.

Will you sign the petition to save our holiday pay after Brexit?



[1] Some ministers are proposing dropping the EU law known as the Working Time Directives. In 2008, this law was brought into a UK version of the law called the Working Time Regulations. It sets out limits on how many hours a week people can work as well as rights to breaks and paid holiday.
The Sun: British workers set for post-Brexit overtime boom as ministers plot to scrap EU limits:
The Times: Boris Johnson: Brexit mustn’t leave us a ‘vassal state’: [paywall]
Acas: Working Time Regulations:
[2] See note 1
[3] TUC: Ministers’ plot could slash paid holidays for 7 million workers, says TUC:
[4] Gov.uk: Maximum weekly working hours:
British Medical Association: Working Time Directive: Junior doctors FAQ:
[5] 38 Degrees: DIY Brexit:
[6] Financial Times: Theresa May vows to expand workers’ rights:

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