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Sep 20th, 2018

Immigration after Brexit

By Becca McCarthy

It’s happening. Theresa May is drafting new plans for our immigration system after Brexit. [1] At a special meeting next week, government ministers will be asked to rubber stamp her proposals. [2] We’ve got less than a week to have our say on an immigration system for Britain.

Hundreds of thousands of us across the country are reading this email. Together, we could show Theresa May that voters want an immigration policy which:

  • Makes sure public services like our NHS have the skills and resources they need
  • Gives extra resources to parts of Britain with higher immigration
  • Treats people with decency, no matter where they come from, and welcomes refugees in need
  • Forces companies to train up British workers if they want to also hire from abroad [3]

Will you add your name to the petition now, and make sure the public have a voice in our new immigration system? As soon as we reach 100,000 we’ll hand it straight in to No 10.


Decisions taken at the special meeting next week will affect all of us. From how many people should be allowed to come and work here, to whether we welcome people fleeing war-torn countries.

For too long people with concerns about the impact of immigration on wages or housing have been dismissed or called “stupid”. [4] Whilst politicians like Nigel Farage have exploited those concerns for political point scoring, diverting attention away from our underfunded public services.

[1] The BBC: Delayed Brexit immigration plans ‘due in months’:
[2] The express: Theresa May to announce tough post-Brexit immigration plan to stave off rebellion:
The Times (PAYWALL): Theresa May toughens up immigration rules to counter Tory rebellion on Brexit:
[3] Last month over 100,000 38 Degrees-ers came together to answer a huge survey to find out where we all stand on immigration. And the good news is, however we vote, we overwhelmingly want an immigration system we have control over, that treats people with compassion and decency, helps our public services and economy thrive, and is positive for people already living here. See the results in full here.
[4] The Times (PAYWALL): Politicians not trusted to tell truth on immigration:
British Future: Biggest-ever public consultation on immigration finds striking lack of trust in Government:
The Independent: Immigration myths that fuelled Brexit blown apart by major government-commissioned report:
Gov.uk: Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) report: EEA migration:
[5] See note 4

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