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Feb 14th, 2017

Update: Protect Our Parks

By Nicole G

You’re part of a special group of people who can feel proud of what we’ve helped to achieve.

An influential group of MPs have raised the alarm on parks, because of thousands of us. They’ve said that parks are at risk and if we don’t do anything about it, they might not be there for future generations.

This is an important first step in parks getting the protection they deserve – and you played a key part. Along with 322,456 others, you signed the petition to protect our parks. Hundreds of thousands of us shared our thoughts on why parks matter. MPs were so impressed that they invited us to parliament to talk about it with them.

In the months to come, there will be more work to do to ensure that the government take action to protect parks. So we’re not out of the woods yet, but the campaign to save them has gotten off to a great start. Let’s all take a moment to give ourselves a pat on the back, because together we’ve made sure parks are on the agenda and won’t be ignored again.

Individually we might feel like we can’t have much impact on government decisions. But together, we really made our mark. And that’s what 38 Degrees is all about.

Thank you for making a difference.


PS: Can you take part in a quick survey for a project that would help businesses and councils work with people across the UK on local environment projects?

The Fabian Society, Britain’s oldest think tank (who develop political ideas and public policy), recently finished a study that argued that people need to feel empowered to make positive environmental interventions. By taking this survey you’ll help them shape advice to councils and business on how they can make a difference locally.

You’ll also be entered into a draw for a £50 gift card as a thank you. Use the link below to take part; it should only take about five minutes to complete:


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