Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here


  • BBC
  • Save the BBC
Image shows one of the poster designs for the campaign to back our BBC. It is an illustration showing a hand holding a remote control in the foreground pointed at a television set featuring David Attenborough. Text at the top of the poster reads "I'm #BackingOurBBC" while text on the television screen reads "because I love Planet Earth". There are two blue butterflies flying around the orange room, and the 38 Degrees logo is in white in the bottom left corner.


Order a #BackingOurBBC poster
  • BBC
  • campaign win
  • public consultation
  • Save the BBC
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BBC Licence Fee Victory!
  • BBC
  • Featured Story
  • Media
  • Save the BBC
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Image shows Boris Johnson outside of a BBC building.


What we’ve done for our BBC
  • BSkyB
  • lobbying
  • Media
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Save the BBC
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Don’t let Hunt get away with Murdoch
  • 6 music
  • BBC
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Save the BBC
  • spending cuts
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BBC budget slashed
  • BBC
  • Media
  • Public Services
  • Save the BBC
  • spending cuts
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BBC Under Threat – the Minister’s reply
  • 6 music
  • Asian Network
  • Save the BBC
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Flashmob outside the BBC
  • 6 music
  • BBC
  • Save the BBC
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Stop the BBC Cuts Flashmobs: join in
  • 6 music
  • BBC
  • Save the BBC
  • Updates


BBC billboards: launched today
  • 6 music
  • Asian Network
  • BBC
  • Save the BBC
  • Updates


BBC posters: how they’ll look
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