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  • Cost of living
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The cost of living crisis affects us all


Introducing Together Through This Crisis
38 Degrees has joined forces with some of the country’s biggest charities to launch a new initiative designed to combat the cost of living crisis.
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  • Energy Bills
  • energy companies
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Prepayment meter


How 100,000 of us stood up to callous energy companies
What does it take to force multi-billion pound companies to change practices that harm their most vulnerable customers? Our fight to stop energy companies from forcibly installing prepayment meters showed how people power, combined with courageous journalism, can make CEOs, regulators and politicians finally sit up and take notice.
  • Campaigns by You
  • Economic Justice
Portia Lawrie


Portia’s story: No to kids going hungry while MPs enjoy cheap dinners at taxpayers’ expense
Petition starter Portia couldn’t stand the thought of children going hungry over the holidays, while the very MPs who voted against feeding them enjoyed bargain dinners at the taxpayer’s expense. It turned out more than 1 million people agreed with her, as Britain united in a bid to keep kids fed.
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It’s time to choose: Rip It Up or turn a cost of living crisis into catastrophe
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Rip It Up
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Kingsley and Merve


A message the Prime Minister must not ignore
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Survation Polling


The public view: A fairly funded solution to the energy crisis
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Liz Truss, a woman with a blonde bob in a black jacket, stands against a blue background giving a speech


Act now to prevent real pain and suffering: Our supporters’ demands for Liz Truss
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A collage of news headlines about the huge number of people calling for an emergency budget via 38 Degrees, and polling which shows that two thirds of Tory voters back nationalising energy firms. A quote at the top from Ellie Gellard at 38 Degrees reads, "The message from the British public is clear: act big and act now."


The cost of living catastrophe
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An image of Gordon Brown, a white man with grey hair in a black suit, next to a quote 'People are being asked to bear an unbearable burden of unplayable bills at a time when so many are under pressure.'


74,000 supporters back Gordon Brown’s call for an emergency budget
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