Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here


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We are not sorry to anger Tommy Robinson fans
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A victory for science: how the 38 Degrees community supported scientific discoveries
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Projection reading 250,000 say no honours list for Truss. Westminster in background.


How we took public anger about Truss’s honours to the streets and skies
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Busy bees: how 38 Degrees supporters are creating a buzz
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“This is just the start”: Annie’s fight to rein in gambling companies
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Portia Lawrie


Portia’s story: No to kids going hungry while MPs enjoy cheap dinners at taxpayers’ expense
Petition starter Portia couldn’t stand the thought of children going hungry over the holidays, while the very MPs who voted against feeding them enjoyed bargain dinners at the taxpayer’s expense. It turned out more than 1 million people agreed with her, as Britain united in a bid to keep kids fed.
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Picture of Robin


My ten years of 38 Degrees!
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campaigners handing in petition to Downing st


Campaign win! Tax Justice UK secure commitment to tackle dirty money
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Photo of an MP outside parliament


Handing in the miscarriage leave petition
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Pandora Papers Petition Hand in to No.10
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